
Use #parksaresacred when you post a photo or video reflecting on the spiritual importance of parks in cities.

This is where many people in the city connect with nature in a deep sense, and the more people share their connection with these sacred places, the more we will collectively care for them.


Use #natureinthecity whenever you share a picture of the beautiful birds, bees, butterflies, trees, and any other life that you discover in your city park, or anywhere in your city! 

This hunger strike is just as much for all other life as it is for humans, and the more we remember to stop and observe, the more likely we will see these species come back year after year. 


Use #letuscamp whenever you suggest the possibility of camping overnight being accepted in all parks around the world. I suggest having signs for designated spots, and growing the culture of setting up at sundown and packing up at sunrise.

I hope to camp in Park La Fontaine to show that it is possible to camp in a park and take care of the space, and I hope this could inspire people around the world to request that their cities change existing rules in order to allow camping in parks.

Perhaps we can plant lettuce in the summer by some camping spots to be enjoyed as deliciously fresh morning salad, and eventually use the hashtag #lettucecamp


Use #questionforkeenan when you upload a video that you would like a response to.

I will try to respond to each question. 


Use #leavesomeforearth if you join me for one day in the hunger strike. By joining, you help normalize the idea of fasting and so reduce human consumption.

Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when our demand for ecological resources and services in a given year exceeds what Earth can regenerate in that year. 

In 2021, it will be on July 29. In other words, we must cut our consumption in half. In doing this, we #leavesomeforearth.


Write garden in cities all over the world, and upload a picture along with #growthegarden. 

Write only in chalk, so it is impermanent. Write it anywhere you envision there could be a garden. Write in each language, with an arrow pointing in the direction there could be a garden. 

There is one garden. This garden is Earth. We must grow this garden as soon as possible. We must start in our cities. Remember, it doesn't matter where you write it, or what direction the arrow is pointing - it's always true. 

By writing this everywhere, you plant the seed of an idea of a garden. Then, people will start to see the unused spaces of our cities as potential gardens, and we will soon see the transformations we need as more and more people take up the concrete and #growthegarden.

Essentially, the more we write this, the more we manifest having amazing feasts in the future together.


Permaculture is the science of creating ecosystems that meet the needs of all life.
Use #thewordispermaculture whenever you share what you learn about Permaculture on social media! 

Currently, we are in the sixth mass extinction, and we need to rebuild our ecosystems all over the world. This will take all of our hands, and so we all need to research permaculture at least a little. 

Creating ecosystems has been practiced by indigenous peoples all over the world for thousands of years. We need to listen to their wisdom, learn from each other, and truly work together to heal our shared home.


Instead of leaving your bottles and cans by garbage bins, empty them out and leave them at the base of trees for those in our communities who need them. Upload a photo or video of you doing this, and add #givingtrees.

The idea is that the trees are giving to those who need to money from recycling the bottles and cans.

This is better than leaving them by garbage bins for many reasons:

1. Emptying out our drinks at the base of trees nourishes the trees and the life in the soil. In this way, we can give back to the trees that will give to those in need in our community.

2. Normalizing #givingtrees, instead of leaving them by the waste bin, means that people who need bottles and cans to make a living do not have to go up to groups and beg, or sort through broken glass and garbage at the bins. This is not dignified, and we can treat these people in our community better. 

3. Leaving them by waste bins continues to normalize the use of these bins in parks, and as we know, waste does not exist in nature. We need to stop using these bins, completely. 

4. If we normalize #givingtrees, we will learn to take better care of our bottles and cans, and this will result in less broken glass and waste throughout city parks. 

5. Inevitably, some people do not think about recycling when using waste bins, and improperly sort items. If we normalize #givingtrees, more items will be recycled, because those who collect these bottles and cans are reliant on them being recycled.

6. This helps us to remember that trees are always giving trees, even when you don't use a hashtag. 

Ideally, in each park around the world there would be one place where we go to leave our bottles and cans before we leave the park. As long as we keep drinking, this place would be a regular source of income for those who need it, and would ensure that all bottles and cans are recycled.


Use #thereisnowaste when you upload a video or photo of something you have created out of what is often considered waste. By sharing these videos based on repurposing what is falsely thought of as waste, you prove that waste does not exist, and that everything can be used for something else.

I will make #talkingballs out of plastic waste that people bring me. Using the interior of a chip bag as the exterior of the ball makes it really reflective and fun to watch on a sunny day.

Parks around the world could become craft places where we transform the human waste we bring in into gifts for the community.





